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Mystic Forest

Project Title

Mystic Forest: An Augmented Reality (AR) Exploration Game

Project Categories

  • Game Development

Project Type

  • From Scratch

Project Description

Mystic Forest is an AR-based mobile game where players explore their real-world surroundings to discover and interact with magical creatures and artifacts hidden in an augmented reality layer. The game will blend the physical and digital worlds, encouraging players to explore their environment and engage in challenges, puzzles, and battles.


To create an immersive AR game experience that encourages outdoor exploration and offers engaging gameplay mechanics, blending fantasy elements with the real world.


  • Unity (for game development)
  • ARKit/ARCore (for AR functionalities)
  • C# (scripting in Unity)
  • Blender (for 3D modeling)
  • Firebase (for backend and real-time data)

GitHub Repository

Proposed Timeline

Long (2 weeks)

Team Members (if any)

  • user4567 (Game Developer & AR Specialist)
  • user8910 (3D Artist & Animator)
  • user1123 (Game Designer & Storyteller)
  • user1415 (Backend Developer)

Additional Resources/Requirements

  • Access to AR-capable devices for testing.
  • Collaboration with local communities for potential in-game events.
  • Sound designers for game audio and effects.

Mockups or Diagrams

Link to game sketches and designs on